Established utopia in this distopia. Go, extrox.

joyful usage example!

Freja Respin Family supports intel Ultrabook, Since July 2023
Total 350 DL Thanks!

History of Freja Respin

Inheriting spirit of the MX, it embodies "orthodox extra sense". 
It's Freja Respin "extrox"
MX LINUX 23 Freja Respin "extrox" (Based MX23.5 "ahs")
[Unofficial Respin/Custom Flavor]

overview of extrox
An OS with a very pure worldview produced by Freja, an artist known as part of the MX development team. Its provided as an "operating environment" for audio filters "Red Glider 2" that allow you to enjoy music to the fullest. It features a reminiscent of an art book, and a combination of XFCE and Compiz.

extrox = extra + orthodox (meaning: orthodox style of extra-sense)

extrox's past codename is "Storyboard Neo"

"extrox" is a Freja Respin 23's Final Version as submit for

Install target is Intel Ultrabook.
Many changes from original MX 23.5 ahs ISO,
The Freja's arrange of MX 23.5. Carefully reviewed software Licenses.
ISO is 2.69GB.

Recommended Graphics settings after OS install
1. Lanunch MX-Tweak.
2. In the "Other" tab, check "Use Intel driver instead of default "modesetting" driver (require restart)"
and reboot.

Free Download ISO and md5 file

.ISO and .md5 extrox v1.8.1 (Finally extrox in sourceforge...)
MX-23.5 based FINAL, Total design same as MX25-based.
Red Glider 2 Family Product Version: 25-Feb-2025 Built-In,
Changing point is "Red Glider VFX mild+" added only, almost same)

After OS install, Lanunch "MX Boot Options" and 
add this text to "kernel parameter". text is "toram".
Then, you can experience True Performance of Intel.

Free Download Audio Filter "Red Glider VFX family
note: This Audio filter requires operating environment
called "extrox". or past Storyboard and Storyboard Neo.
(Version: 25-Feb-2025)
Red Glider VFX Family (Past Develop name is "Freja Ignition")
Suitable for Any Speakers/Headphones (Bug fixed - Max volume level)
Press Ctrl+H to show hidden files. Press again to hide. Show hidden files in your home folder. 
Put the contents of the .tar.gz in .config/easyeffects/output. Load any preset from easyeffects.
Red Glider works properly with Freja Respin Storyboard or later, and extrox.
To truly enjoy Red Glider 2 sound, must get beryllium driver adopted headphone/earphones.
(MX News Week Ending at 28 Feb 2025)

(MX News Week Ending at 5 Oct 2024)

(MX News Week Ending at 26 Oct 2024)

Freja Respin Support (you write any issues, will respond Freja)

Features of Freja Respin "extrox":

1. System as-is MX LINUX. Unique arrange of User Interface design and Use feelings by Freja.
2. Dolby Cinema-like audio filters by Freja original presets.
3. Unique window management, like an evolution of Mac's Expose - You'll never get lost again.
4. Sophisticated artwork by Freja Made.
5. Modern design on XFCE, fade in/out effects that's easy on your eyes.
Entire Desktop

The Multimedia-Oriented MX Variant.

Dock is in Bottom, Menubar is in Upper. This is my final answer.
and Easyeffects Freja original preset audio enhancer is this Respin identity.
Unique Window management "Gathering Mode"

Let Cursor to desktop upper-right corner, Gathering All Windows.
And click leftmost icon, All Windows will hide.
Press that icon again, Windows state will restore.
※Freja Respin StoryboardはMX LINUX 23とシステム面でほぼ同一なので、このやり方が適合します。仕上げに「MXパッケージインストーラで「Japanese_Input_fcitx」を入れれば完成です。
Special Thanks: This Version Storyboard NEO use of MX Forum Member trawglodyte and MX dev team Leader dolphin_oracle and MX dev team Member felix's advice. It was just works, really Thanks!