Freja Respin Family featuring intel Ultrabook
MX LINUX 23 Freja Respin "Storyboard" (Based MX23.3 "ahs")
[Unofficial Respin/Custom Flavor]
"Storyboard" is a Freja Respin Product Version.
Install target is Intel Ultrabook.
Very minimum changing from original MX 23.3 ahs ISO,
The Freja's arrange of MX 23.3. Carefully reviewed software Licenses.
ISO is 2.4GB.
The Freja's arrange of MX 23.3. Carefully reviewed software Licenses.
ISO is 2.4GB.
Freja Respin storyboard news at MX Blog (MX News Week Ending June 20, 2024)
Freja Respin Support (you write any issues, will respond Freja)
MX LINUXの日本語でのインストール方法 (設定と使い方 -> MX LINUX)
※Freja Respin StoryboardはMX LINUX 23とシステム面でほぼ同一なので、このやり方が適合します。
Freja Respin Storyboard's system almost as is MX 23.3, So can use this Instruction.(Japanese install method)
Features of Freja Respin "Storyboard":
1.Dolby Cinema-like sound filters by Freja original presets.
2.Unique window management, like an evolution of Mac's Expose - You'll never get lost again.
3.Sophisticated artwork by Freja Made.
4.Modern design on XFCE, fade in/out effects that's easy on your eyes.
If you not need bottom Play Youtube video icon(MX icon),
You can Right-click and Unpin That icon.
Entire Desktop
The Multimedia-Oriented MX Variant.
Dock is in Left-side, Menubar is in Upper-side. This is my answer.
and Pulseeffects Freja original preset audio filter is this Respin's identity.
Unique Window management "Gathering Mode"
Let Cursor to desktop upper-right corner, Gathering All Windows.
And click uppermost icon, All Windows will hide.
Press that icon again, Windows state will restore.
Special Thanks: This Version Storyboard use of MX Forum Member trawglodyte's technical advice. It was just works, really Thanks!